Friday, June 4, 2010

Follow Us on Twitter and use #TS100 for Tweets!

The Convention now has a Twitter feed.

Just follow us at

Also, if you are on Twitter and mention Tom Swift, the Anniversary or the Convention, please use the #TS100 tag to make it easier for people to find your post!

We'll send out Tweets from time to time telling you what we are up to, including during the convention (which is coming up fast!).

Friday, May 28, 2010

Photo Album showing Cafe Press items

I have a small photo album showing what our first batch of products looked like. We have the second batch of products arriving next week and will put up more pictures then.

Note that if you order by May 31 and use the code MEMORIAL, you will get a %20 discount on orders over $50.



Monday, May 24, 2010

New Designs at Cafe Press

I just put up a great design showing all 5 series of Tom Swift which existed in the past 100 years. True, there have been some other designs occasionally, but this represents the look of the 5 main series as first published.

I'm pretty happy with it and hope you will be too. Remember, these designs are for a limited time (certainly won't last past this year) because our license with the company is limited.

Get Tom Swift Merchandise while you can. It makes a great Father's Day gift for that science-minded Dad.

Also check out the "Plays with Robots," "Rocket Scientist" and other cool designs.....

Cafe Press Store

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can't Come? How about sending a video?

If you can't make the Tom Swift Convention in July, I have two things to say to you:

1. Why not? Don't you realize what great stuff you are missing?

2. How about recording a short video with you talking about Tom Swift.

We are soliciting short videos of people talking about:

a. What Tom Swift means to me
b. What start them collecting/reading
c. The best of your collection or the one that got away (tales from the collecting world)

Contact James at for more info.

Register for the Convention (and the Hotel)

Registration is open for the Tom Swift Convention in July. The current prices last until June 16th and then will go up! Registration at the door will be available (but, again, at higher prices). The Tour and Dinner will close registration about a week before the event, or when seats fill up, whichever is first.

Registration Page

Remember, the bookings for the Sheraton Mission Valley are only available until June 16. We need to fill a certain number of rooms to meet our Convention obligations so be sure to tell them you are coming to the Tom Swift Convention when you book your room (or use our link under Location on the site.

Thanks! Look forward to seeing you there!

P.S.: More merchandise has been added to our CafePress Store

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tom Swift Merchandise Available Now!

We have designed a number of items for the licensed Tom Swift store (available for a limited time!) and hope you will like them.

More items will go up in the next week or two but please check it out now. You support the Tom Swift 100 Convention effort with your purchases.

CafePress Store

Thursday, February 25, 2010

RSVP today for TS100

The 100th anniversary Tom Swift Convention will be held July 16-18, 2010 at the Sheraton Mission Valley Hotel in San Diego. This is the weekend before ComicCon.

Friday events will include museum tours and possibly tours of the Hotel del Coronado (where Edward Stratemeyer stayed when he visited the 1915 Panama-California Exposition) and a trip to UCSD Geisel Library to see their exhibit of Tom Swift material which is being arranged in conjunction with TS100.

Saturday and Sunday will include sessions with presentations, time to chat, a silent auction, a dinner (Saturday) and a Tom Swift live radio show performance.

We will have space for people to sell series books and related merchandise, including some convention-specific merchandise.

Plan to bring unusual or favorite Tom Swift-related items for a show-and-tell segment which was popular last year in Hammondsport.

Actual registration for the convention will be available soon with options to pay by check or PayPal. Hotel registration is available now. We need to fill 30 room-nights to meet with our agreement to have the convention space on Saturday and Sunday.

As we have more confirmations of speakers and events we will announce them here and on the TS100 web site.

Please RSVP today to let us know you will be coming.

Tom Swift 100 Convention has Fan Table at ConDor SciFi Convention this weekend

ConDor, San Diego's longest running science fiction and fantasy convention, held annually at the Handlery Hotel in San Diego, runs from Feb 26-28, 2010. The Tom Swift Convention will be represented by a Fan Table displaying photos of Tom Swift covers, flyers for the event, and the steering wheel from the Airship built for the never-completed Twentieth-Century Fox Tom Swift film from the late 1960s. James and Kim Keeline will be promoting the Convention for most of the day on both Saturday and Sunday at their Table. Be sure to stop by if you are attending ConDor.

ConDor Convention

SciFi Magazine's April 2010 Issue Covers Tom Swift 100th Anniversary Convention

SciFi Magazine, available today in major bookstores, has a full-page column devoted to the Tom Swift Centennial, written by Jeff Berkwits. As Berkwits writes, "For scifi fans of a certain age, the name Tom Swift brings back fond memories of rollicking adventures, futuristic contraptions, and, believe it or not, droll adverbs." The article goes on to discuss both the original and Junior series with photos of the covers of Tom Swift and his Airship and Tom Swift and the Visitor of Planet X, plus a brief discussion of the phenomenon of Tom Swifties. Get your copy today and make sure to join us for the San Diego convention in July.

Sci Fi Magazine
100th Anniversary Tom Swift Convention